A Brief (and fun) History of Phonemic Awareness and Phonics in My Teaching/Writing Life...

This week 'The Reading Crew's' topic is 'Fun with Phonics and Phonemic Awareness.'  So...what to write?  I've researched in my own classrooms and written on these two topics for over 20 years!  Here's a throwback...Who remembers this book?  (Gee, I'm having fun already!)
 This was the first book I wrote on the topic, published in 1994!  I never thought I'd write again--it was such a difficult task.  But, it was well worth it.  The book showed how to use chunking as a decoding and spelling strategy across varied authentic reading and writing contexts along with integrating the use of a kid-friendly, relevant Word Wall containing key words for the chunks. (This was before 'chunking,' 'decoding by analogy,' or using phonograms had become so popular--nowadays 'chunking' is part of every core reading program!)  If you're not already well-versed on this research-based, highly effective strategy, you can still grab this bad-baby on Amazon for a whopping 1 CENT!  Ha..gotta' love that.  http://www.amazon.com/Phonics-Strategies-Reading-Writing-Classroom/dp/0590496247/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1435119474&sr=8-1&keywords=phonics+that+work

Even though I thought I'd never write again, LO!  Here's another title (from 1999) emphasizing the explicit teaching of phonics along with guiding the work in real reading and writing contexts.  Again, chunking is emphasized, as is the use of Word Walls for reinforcement and scaffolding learners.  But for grades K-1, I also included the idea of using key words to draw analogies while reading and writing unknown words using an ABC Wall.
This work was accompanied by teacher-training videos from my Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade classrooms (produced by BER--the Bureau of Education and Research).  Some video snippets can be seen here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92k93lnQMvE  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAnoy3Ox8ao

Wait...there's more... Fun with Phonemic Awareness!  I was teaching kindergarten and found a way to maximize time by integrating hands-on work with sounds with favorite childrens' books.  Thus...
See the kiddos in the cover picture?  They're matching sounds they isolate with sounds from some characters from the classic:  Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle.   Below:  a blank 'sound board' for matching beginning sounds, ending sounds, vowel sounds, rhyming words, etc. with key elements from Laura Numeroff's If You Give a Mouse a Cookie!

Some of my students matching sounds on 'sound boards.'  This game-like activity is one of their favorite ways to practice phonemic awareness!

 It's getting really late here, and my little guy is laying here snoring away right next to me (thank goodness he fell asleep).  But, I'm having so much fun, I'll continue.  I hope you are having fun and picking up a few ideas, too!

Let's see how long I can stay coherent!  Okay, next:
 For me, the purpose is always skill and strategy building within authentic literacy contexts.  After all, everything we do should feed students' love of reading and writing!  Here, the focus is poetry.  Poetry is so engaging to students!  So, I wrote a few little ditties to use across the curriculum for shared reading and building fluency through rereads.   PLUS, the emphasis is on using the poems to harvest words with high frequency chunks for building automaticity and strategic use!  LOVE POETRY as a context for learning phonics...

2009 brought:
 Even Marilyn Jager Adams told me this book was great!  (Which was a highlight of my existence on Earth!)  Well, it ought to be after researching and developing methods for effective phonemic awareness and phonics instruction for 20 years!  The big contributions here include the idea of jump-starting instruction using the words that mean the most to students:  their names!  I show how to use names for phonemic awareness and phonics instruction across grade levels (K-3) and skill-levels, and, again, focus on strategic thinking and using Word Walls across literacy contexts.  I developed a ton of different concrete models for helping students manipulate sounds and detailed their use in the book.  Here are two posts from my other blog about one of the ideas--kids love these and they really help them understand how sounds work in words!:
http://janielwagstaff.blogspot.com/2012/04/what-can-you-do-with-elastic-waistband.html  and

Here's a close-up of a Chunking Name Wall (with additional words added as the Wall builds beyond the names of students in your classroom):

Here's a close-up of an ABC name wall for K-1 (we fill in the 'holes' for letter-sounds we don't have among our students' names with key words from favorite poems and books).

And, here are a few other concrete models not mentioned in the blog posts I linked to above.

Last, but not least, I must include this video of my second graders in the spring working on "Challenge Words."  You'll see how they actively apply the chunking strategy and use the Word Wall to generate logical spellings for words they don't know.  This is phonemic awareness and phonics at it's best because they are applying what they've learned!  I often ask teachers, "What do you do when a child asks you how to spell something?"  The answer--"I say 'sound it out.'"  The problem is, we don't often explicitly show students what that means.  "Challenge Words" is a quick lesson I developed to fix that problem.  It's basically guided spelling.  As you'll see in the video, I give the kids a word (we do two words in a 5-7 min. lesson), they give it a go using the strategies we've studied and practiced, then they get immediate, specific feedback as we review the strategies they've used to come up with their attempts!  It does amazing things for their spelling and decoding!  (If you'd like to learn more, and see how this plays out in K and 1, refer to the Name Wall book above or my more recent book 'Quick Start to Writing Workshop Success') http://www.amazon.com/Quick-Writing-Workshop-Success-Workshop-/dp/054526717X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1435161336&sr=1-1&keywords=quick+start+to+writing+workshop+success.

Here's the link to the video:

A picture snipped from the video:  I'm giving specific, immediate feedback on a student's spelling attempt using key words from our Word Wall.

That's it for me...for now!  Check-out the other bloggers who have linked up this week for more FUN phonemic awareness and phonics ideas!  Also, if you have an idea, link up below!  Happy Blogging!
Thanks for stopping by! As always, I appreciate and invite your comments.  Best to you and your readers and writers!  -Janiel  :)


Write Away The Summer Slide!

A summer writer at work in his notebook!

Writing materials abound!  Big motivator!
When we think of the summer slide, reading immediately pops into our minds.  Children simply must read over the summer to maintain their skill levels (not to mention the many other benefits wide reading provides).  But, what about writing?  Can we 'write away' the summer slide?

Reading and writing have an extremely strong reciprocal relationship.  When we work on one, we strengthen the other.  Think about it: when a young child tries to spell an unknown word, she listens inside the word to hear the sounds (or 'segments the word into sounds') and connects those sounds with letters.  That's phonics (and phonological  awareness).  When a child 'sounds out' a word while reading, she connects the letter(s) (or chunks) she sees on the page back to the sounds then blends them together to make the word.  That's phonics, too.  There's much, much more to reading and writing than encoding, or spelling unknown words while writing, and decoding, or sounding out unknown words while reading.  For example, the more a child reads, the more he comes to understand how stories and informational texts are structured, the more he understands story language and the often more formal register of informational text, and the more he builds background knowledge which helps him comprehend what he's reading and informs his writing.  I could go on and on about the many ways reading and writing reinforce one another...!!!  As a teacher of 26 years, I've seen many children who struggle to read learn the skills they need to become successful through daily writing. 

This brings us back to the summer slide.  How can we get our children engaged in writing over the summer?  How can we excite them about the possibilities writing holds for them?  One way is to let them see what other kid-writers do during their break.  Visit this oh-so-valuable site: http://www.sharingournotebooks.amylv.com/.  Scroll through to see a plethora of writers' notebooks kept by both children and adults. Talk about what you see:  kids jotting notes about small things they notice throughout their day, sketching pictures and doodles, keeping lists of topics they'd like to write about, people adding pictures and jotting about them, sticky notes of inspiring quotes or ideas captured any place, any time, etc.  The writing you're seeing is informal, written for the purpose of capturing the moments, activities or thoughts one has so they can be revisited, kept, cherished.

The discussion of what you see, accompanied by the creation or purchase of a writing notebook (could just be a cheap spiral notebook or a journal of some kind), which your child then 'makes his own' (See Erin's cover here:  http://www.sharingournotebooks.amylv.com/2014/09/welcome-to-wny-young-writers-studio.html) may be enough to get him started.*  Another way to get the fires burning is to create a notebook of your own where you start to keep brief jottings about life events, thoughts, or wonderings.  The next step is to share your jottings with your child.  Read them, talk about them, value them--remember together, laugh together, wonder together over your notebook.  If you model excitement and interest for keeping the notebook, your child(ren) will catch the writing bug.

*Here are few examples from my son's current summer writer's notebook:
He was eager to write about this picture of a school event at year's end.  His class put on an opera.
Love this close-up of his cartoon!  He's getting his feelings out (another benefit of writing!).  He was frustrated by all of the singing going on in class after the opera was over.  He felt like he couldn't concentrate, so he brought earplugs to school for the last week! 

A key to success, that I've alluded to above, is taking the time to share.  Ask your child, "What are you writing there?  I'd love to have you share it with me!"  If your child chooses not to, that's okay, too.  But, the general idea is we write to voice, tease-out, play with and remember our thinking, so most of the time, writers DESIRE and NEED the opportunity to have their thoughts valued.  Share, share, share:  in the car (this is one of my son's favorite place to jot in his notebook), on the coach, on the porch, in bed before sleeping at night.  Make a copy of your child's notebook entry about watching birds at Aunt Sophie's house and send it to her (with your child's permission, of course).  Hopefully, Aunt Sophie will write back!

Sometimes adults are unsure how to respond to a child's writing.  Simple advice:  respond as you would to anything your child says (after all, writing is just thinking recorded on paper)--listen intently, ask questions, connect ("Oh, yeah, I remember that!").  And, don't worry his spelling, grammar or punctuation!  If he asks how to spell a word, that's fine, but keep the notebook a sacred place for imagining and collecting.  Keep your responses directed to the CONTENT of what he's written.  This will build the writing joy!

One other word of advice:  Keep the notebook handy--you never know when an idea for writing or a seed for a story will pop up.  I always have my notebook, and my son's, in my purse whenever we're out and about.  Funny, I stop to jot something and he'll ask for his notebook almost immediately!  If the notebook isn't handy, jot on anything:  a post-it, a napkin, anything!  Then you can glue it into your notebook.

To help you to "Write Away the Summer Slide!,"*  I've created some writer's notebook covers you might use and a quick list of the tips included in this post.  Hang the list on your refrigerator or somewhere else handy, to remind you of the tips and motivate you to keep the work in the notebook going.  I'm betting you and your child(ren) will LOVE this experience and want to continue it throughout the school year and for summers to come! 

Enjoy!  Janiel :)

Go here to download this freebie:  https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Stop-the-SUMMER-SLIDE-with-WRITING-Tips-for-Keeping-Writers-Notebooks-1912399

NOW, as part of the Reading Crew's Kick-off for the Summer Blog-Party, hop on over for more great ideas at Looney's Literacy:  http://www.looneyslitblog.com/?p=1657

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